Friday, February 5, 2010

Gandhi - Did He really exist any time ? I doubt...

"Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth

Statement on the occasion of
Gandhi's 70th birthday (1939)

I don't know of you , but for myself , I am helpless. For me , anyone of the name Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is just as imaginabile as the mythological characters of any religion . We personify such people on the basis of thier description given in the books which in turn are the reflections of the mindset of the authors.We have the complete epic Ramayana , which describes the character of Sri Ram as the ideal man.In the way of these descriptions , certain incriptions are there to define the expected behaviour of how an ideal world ahould be.Now how is all these stuffs related to the topic ???

The underlying explanation is in fact a question. Have we stated and broadcasted the Gandhian principles in the same way as they were in the mind of the originator. There have been several approaches to the meanings of those principles.There have been numerous books,magazine articles , movies and God knows what-what over this Gandhigiri. Everyone has added His/Her own intellectual in defining these principles.They all are an appreciable effort.But much in the same way that the mythological characters are not acceptable to our minds, such principles also become out of human acceptance - or in better terms , the situational acceptence.At least in the current scenario of the world,it becomes really very tough to belive that such actions took place in anytime of the history.It can never be a single platform effort in the society to make such things possible.We have to make seriously large scale efforts for developing a society which the Gandhian principles dreamt of , and such a sytem's existence would only had made the principles come true.That is the thing that's going out of the brain.

How come he achieved all that ? Did he really achieve that ? If such things had ever ever been in action , why we are so exhausted in making efforts for achieving it ? Either they were wrong who described such things , or we are wrong in making the efforts.People who have seen Gandhi , they are stillalive , so the former one is obviously true that Gandhiji lived , He existed once. Now  what becomes the second obvious thing is that , we are wrong.

Just making movies , or writing articles or posting on blogs ( like me ) will not do the thing. We will have to be honest with our individual efforts.We will have to have the feeling that when He can , why not I ? I f we get frustated with the system , there are many examples who have revolted against it. Now when we can revolt for a personal cause , why not we may revolt for a social cause too . When it comes on ourself , we can cross any boundaries . Why those boundaries become so strong in social cause where the opposite should have occured. Anyone can do it anytime .Think of ittttt .

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