All izz well ……. All izz well…… more in the series of many , so called inspirational lines , to define the situations when you are not able to say Jai ho . Both of the punch lines were intended to give confidence that Yesss , I can . Jai Ho succeeded , but I doubt the correct usage of Aal izz well.
The movie , the origin of this pain reliever Aal izz well , has described the case when you are not able to perform well in your examinations . It emphasizes the fact that you should not chase the success to such an extent that you may fall off your track or get deviated from it . This is something that must be understood by all. The teachers , The parents , The students – all of them. Whatever field of life you are in , it’s applicable to all of them .You may be considering that field to be the best one , the one without which you or your relative find themselves unable to recall your identity .
But just think of the other aspect and see deeply into the case , was world not there before anyone had first pioneered into that field . Were people not living ? Were they not able to live a worthy life ? Is everyone in this universe doing the same thing ? Or people present in other field are living without fooding , housing and clothing ?
No, undoubtedly NO. None of the fields is best. What make them seem best are the people involved in it. The dedication they give to it. This dedication comes from the interest they have in it and it a natural gift. Interests can never be created by force. That is one of the basic theme of the movie. It took engineering studies as an example which is the most desired position for parents.
“My child would become an engineer”…….what’s that ??? Whether She/he is capable or not to understand the difference between Sine theta and Sine wave , but nay , He will be an engineer only . Whether She/he understands the difference between head and brain , but no , Doctors are the best. Get rid of this thought and concentrate on improving the things that you are capable of.
And what is this Aal izz well
That is absolutely not correct.This is just an excuse to free oneself from studies and exams.The funda of this slogan is very simple.It just says – whatever you are doing , do it , but in case you are not enjoying it , don’t get frustrated . I repeat – Don’t get frustrated . Remember the two words that the suicide commiting student had written on the wall of his room ??
“”I Quit””
Now recall what the lead character had told his photographer friend in relation to ending up life . I will help you in that brain exercise – “Whenever you feel to end up your life , just once think of the smiles of your parent who want to see their child” . You were not an engineer by birth . They took care of you when you were just a brand new product in this world and earned zero , rather consumed millions .
1 comment:
that's a nice essay. :) but, do u mean that 'aal izz well' is just an alternative faith in ourself to escape from problems, something like that? ^^ correct me if im wrong.. thanks for the post b the way..
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